Community Storyhealing Workshop Mar. 29 5:30 @ Elon Community Church



Join the Power and Place Collaborative for a Community Storyhealing workshop on March 29, Wednesday, 5:30-8:30

Story-healing towards intergenerational peace and empowerment with Camilo Romero

Conflict and its collective resolution applies to each of our families and all of our communities, especially in these times of pandemics and politics. Each of us carries trauma from our own lives and that of generations before us. This workshop is an opportunity to explore creative and interactive methods of rage and reconciliation, resentment and resilience. 

Our workshop will center around community building through story-telling. We will begin with introductions of each participant and explain the origins of ReGeneración ( as a movement for empowerment of those who have been invisibilized for generations. We will then discuss our children's book project and form small groups to act out "sociodramas", spontaneous performances that challenge us to utilize all parts of our selves to identify, confront, and resolve conflicts within our environment. Our workshop is meant to be collaborative as each of us are experts in our story. Welcome. Bienvenid@. 

Dinner included. 

This event is cosponsored by the Power and Place Collaborative, Impact Alamance, And Elon University's Geography, Peace and Conflict Studies, International and Global Studies, and Latin American Studies programs.

Contact Danielle Lake/