Three opportunities to design your for wellness, generate developmental support networks, and explore strategies to respond to setbacks.

Elon University’s Center for Design Thinking has three free workshop opportunities to help you and your team design your days for wellness and wellbeing, generate developmental support networks, and design strategies for successful projects. More information and links to register are below.
Cultivating Networks of Support & Mentoring Constellations, September 9, Friday, 3:00-4:30 

How might we cultivate relational networks that foster holistic wellness and wellbeing? How might we engage more with coworkers, friends, family, and diverse communities in our networks of support?
This workshop supports the design of relational constellations. Participants will generate a relational networking constellation, explore actionable day-to-day opportunities for enhancing their connections, and leave with an array of next-step strategies for cultivating a lifelong network of support.  



(Re)Designing life, October 21, Friday, 3:00-4:30

How might you design your personal and professional life for resilience?
In 2019, The World Health Organization named stress as the global health epidemic of the 21st century. Since 2020, 2 in 3 adults report an increase in their stress levels.The good news is research from across sectors shows that intentional design practices that build social support systems, daily behaviors, and mental practices can foster your resilience - the ability to not only recover from setbacks, but adapt in the face of adversity. In this Better Together session, you will get the chance to learn about the unique nature of stress and design practices alongside Alamance County residents so we can each respond more flexibly and creatively to the demands of daily life and work.



Reframing Failure November 11, Friday, 3:00-4:30 

How might we better respond to setbacks and failures? What processes and methods can we use to see choices, create options, and make plans to better care for ourselves?
Failure can stop us in our tracks and create new barriers to trying in the future.  Failure can inspire fear, shame, and feelings of self doubt. By helping to reframe failure, this workshop will answer the questions above and more in a hands-on experience applying design thinking to building resilience in the face of failure. Participants will frame and explore the ways they have experienced failure, generate pathways to failing forward, prototype intentional plans, and cultivate relationships and support systems. 



Have questions? Simply email us at and tell us a little about what you’d like to accomplish.