UNC Chapel Hill Students: Alternative Spring Break Opportunity

My name is Olivia Sallis! I’m a student at UNC-Chapel Hill and I’m in a leadership position under the APPLES Service-Learning Program. Alongside my co-leader Taekmin Kim, we are planning an alternative spring break trip for about 10 participants. Our trip’s focus is healthcare and we hope to plan service and learning opportunities for the trip. The trip will be from March 12-20th.

We would love to learn from any organizations in the area that deal with health or social determinants of health such as housing and hunger. Our group is ready and willing to serve your community during this time and in future trips! Please let us know if you have any questions and would know of any opportunities in the area for us to help with! Contact info below


UNC Chapel Hill

Olivia Sallis / omsallis@email.unc.edu